Berlin, the capital of Germany, is situated in the northeast of the country and counts about 3.5 millions of inhabitants. 
Contemporary history remembers this city in its two crucial moments: the third Reich and the Second World War with the consequent construction of the famous Berlin Wall (Berliner Mauer).
It is currently considered a cultural and artistic center of high level. In 2006 it was selected by the UNESCO as Creative City and awarded with the prestigious Prince of Asturias Concord prize in 2009.
My first time in Berlin was in 2004, it was my first trip by plane, and the first time out of my country. Afterwards, I returned every two years until my last visit in 2012 when I accomplished my diary on Berlin. The love I feel for this city was already born du- ring my first visit. I could tell about my numerous successes, but the most important thing to say is that each of these helped me to contextualize the city in order to describe it in an intimate and discreet way through the realization of my travel notes which have been the narrators of my experience in this incredible German city.
The twenty-two photographs of the selection are dipped in a light that reveals the old, recorded in a square format, balanced and elegant, that express the refinement of memory suggesting that the return to Berlin has also been the return to Beauty.